FANTASTiC | Nov 01 2017 | ABLETON: 1.08 GB | MULTiFORMAT: 1.21 GB
Analog Drums, Huge Subs & Wild FX From the Most Evil Drum Synth
The Synare is an analog drum synth created in the mid 70s by Star Instruments. It looks and sounds like the most evil, analog flying saucer you've ever heard. The oscillators are huge, and reminiscent of much more expensive vintage synths - colored and extremely characterful - and the filter has the meanest resonance we've ever heard.
FANTASTiC | Dec 14 2016 | 258 MB
Singomakers are back with a brand new collection of 56 Professional mastering projects for Ableton Live and also Singomakers have provided 63 Mastering presets of every plugin, which allows you to use this great Mastering Series release in any DAW from Logic, Cubase and Pro Tools to Studio One, Bitwig and FL Studio!
FANTASTiC | August 22 2016 | 1.51 GB
DEEP TECH & PROGRESSIVE HOUSE 2 is a brand new collection of ready to remix and arrange production stems from inspiring Progressive House and Tech tracks. Add these stems into your DJ Set with total flexibility and control over each production element.
FANTASTiC | July 31 2016 | 59 MB
Expertly sampled from a host of classic hardware - including the Roland SH101, Juno 60 and Prophet Pro-One - the latest edition of our Ableton Racks series serves up 127 bonafide analogue bass sounds inside a custom rack instrument packed with comprehensive macro controls for the ultimate bass response.